Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Monica Roccaforte Pregnant


Sunday we left rogue grandparents all week, taking home the little one who experiences for the first time aware of the thrill of an only child. It happened that the nano would remain on them for a few days, is a period of separation that is good for him (who loves to be there, so that when asked where he lives responding "grandparents") and to us, we breathe a bit ': the little sister can play with all the playable without being stripped of everything over, the DVD player takes the dust, I have to study too many different menus, make a baby in the nursery instead of two is a package (but I can still arrive very late for work) and, if the dwarf has not decided to do a jam session of pots, we can also hear a news ...
Everything nice but ... for the first time I'm experiencing a throbbing of my nostalgia ... pupone hear his voice on the phone telling his busy day between games, hoover, dogs, tractors, cartoon ... see it on skype while trying to kiss the screen ... I just want to have him here hug and kissing and biting their buttocks!
But what is missing from Friday?

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Blog Otome Ikusa Suvia


Mariano Thursday morning he left for Italy without delay. His parents have been hospitalized and he must go to take care of them.
"Maybe it's my chance" I thought, "I go to Italy and be near him, let him understand that I understand what are the important things and are now willing to return early for him to feel what I really want him. "
I questioned all day about what to do. The first flight was on Saturday and if I had to buy it. Thursday evening I met Andrea in chat. According to him, I had to leave Saturday. "We want that there is a" he said. But according to White I would not have changed anything, it was useless to go there three days earlier in a period when he still had no time for anyone. He would not have changed things.
Friday evening I had to see me with Eva. I still had not made a decision about what to do, and it was time to leave the house. I just heard Bianca on Skype. "I also ask what Eva I think when you see it. " But it was to see her to know that I would have told you not to leave.
I looked up to heaven. "Dad ... I feel that I must go, in my heart that I need to go, it seems to me one more chance that was given to me and I do not want to waste. But if you just give me reason, most say it is useless, perhaps because they can see farther than me. You tell me, Daddy, what to do, because I have no idea and I'm afraid to make mistakes again. "
With these thoughts I left the house. I had arrived in the neighborhood the night before with a taxi, but they seemed wasted money at 5 pm. I began to look for a bus stop. On the road there was one just outside the home. I went: no timetable, but there was clear from the sign just went to 20b. I looked a bit 'further: not far away was the Malahide Road, and lots of buses passing at that moment.
I walked to the Malahide to have any more chance of not dying frozen waiting for a bus when no one knew would pass. On Malahide
the stop was near the intersection. I slipped under the shelter to wait. I had just lost a lot of buses, I had seen them go as I approached. "We hope he steps in a hurry." And while I thought, here emerge from the side from which I was just out to 20b. I looked at him as if I had seen a ghost. He stopped, I went, I sat down and started thinking.
I thought that this time the sign was clear enough. No matter how many chances you give a life, or how many they lose. If our bus is 20b, will be the one to go sooner or later, and we can not do anything except go and see where it takes us. The bus 20b is my life, is the bus of my mind, I do not have to waste. I have to return to live, not in a hurry to overdo it, without the anxiety of being late on something or to go for strength. Slowly, taking my bus and go. Maybe one day on my 20b will rise again Mariano, or a handsome stranger who will sit by my side and will make a trip with me. I do not know now, but the fate knows what awaits me, and I await his next mark. Meanwhile, I get on 20b.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Buy Tv Before Or After Super Bowl

Enjoy Christmas!

half an hour I dedicated to my bloggettino, and at Christmas time is gold ... So here is my own flood of thoughts:
- it's Christmas! It's Christmas! and for the first time not to make a frettoloso shopping in cerca di regali inutili e costosi. La promessa (con i parenti di mio marito) è: niente doni tra adulti, solo ai bimbi. Io me la sono cavata con il calendario 2011 con le foto dei nani e un po' di mangiarini (alcuni acquistati, altri rifilati), i pacchi sono già pronti (tiè!).
- di contro sono in extra-affanno per le valigie: domani andiamo dai nonni in montagna, poi il nano si ferma da loro per una settimana, ma non ho niente di pronto, tutto sugli stendini o, peggio, nella cesta della biancheria... mi servono un'altra lavatrice e un'asciugatrice e anche qualcuno che me le riempia, magari ;-)
- la nana ha pensato che questo era il momento adatto per farsi venire la congiuntivite: wakes in the morning with eyes glued and I have to subject it to multiple daily torture to give her sight and also the breath, because it has a mega cold ... every time I lay on my baby cries as if you were to cut up, but poor thing, he's right, including eye drops and nasal wash and diaper change are we doing a good quarter of an hour of agony.
- finally see each other again aunt Dutch (puLtroppo not her boyfriend who in fact remained in Amsterdam to cry out loud) covered it with kisses and duties as a real aunt and will have the honor to spend the night with the nano.
- my husband and I FINALLY step 2 (due!) nights alone in the hotel, thanks to the grandparents (and aunt) that we keep the puppets ... I only say that we have prepared a bowl of champagne ;-))))))))

All my warm wishes for

Ps But what has pussy the new graphics?! Thank http://graficscribbles.blogspot.com/ !

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Radio Shack 1650 Computerized Chess

Get the phone ...

Despite the wild bunch of gifts that St. Nicholas and Saint Lucia took no more than a week ago, here is what they play with my children

L 'next year Saint Lucia rather than the letter sent to the Mondialcasa!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Catchy Invitation Phrases 18th

Snow and sun


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

How Fast Can Bladder Cancer Kill


Aiutoooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why? Because I want to put the record straight and make the situation worse? Why I can never do / say the right thing at the right time? Maturity? Bad luck? What's wrong?
tremble. I cry. And I'm in a living room full of people. Anger. So much anger. Anger because I have to start all over again. This time I really wanted. And where do I start? From what?
Void. Empty empty. My place is Dublin. It is not Italy. I do not know where it is. I do not know ... ..
Dad ... why? Why? Mariano did not like? It was too similar to you? Or maybe too different? Or maybe I do not want to stop me with someone? I am destined to be alone ... they are too violent. Maybe it's better that way.
Maybe I need someone who understands me. They are violent as you were. But Mom knew you were a good man. Except that unlike me ... you were mature. Always knew what to do and when. I've never learned. I try hard, but I can not really. I will never be mother, wife. I need me the baby sitter, who always tell me what to do. But who wants someone like me?
But I want? I do not want to stay in Dublin for life. That's why I liked Mariano? Because in him I could see my return ticket to Italy? Of course, I was comfortable it was to San Vito. But you say that was why, that's why, I can not let it go? Perhaps it had become more of a establishing a manifestation of feelings?
The signs were clear ... but this time because of this divine right escapes me. After all, I with him, before all this, there I was fine. I had my doubts during the trip, but eventually I came to see him happy and in love. Perhaps the signs were not for me, in effect, not to understand what I wanted, but to inform me that he would not have wanted more.
So where are the signs for me? What should I do now? Talk about ... something ... tell me if I act on my own because I do more harm than already done!
He has already forgotten me. He has already set aside. See the room without a frog and the advent calendar made me more harm that gave me the shove. I was stupid. But the anger has made me forget that the ashtrays were flying in that last year in Milan. Yet another error. Yet another wrong time.
Bah, enough. I lost. Horned and clubs. I wanted to tell him that he had been a turd in the hope that retrace his steps. I misjudged it again. Many mistakes and no chance to fix it. I wonder what I did in my previous life, because in this I can not think of anything.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Many Minutes Daylight

Pieraccioni After a movie you do not learn much, but often the simple moral are the most effective ... Type: "When there is a person with a good, relaxed, and above all the runs always, always, to laugh, it means that he is in love!"
Yes, it could play my expense ... but now it takes me to my: the positive attitude makes positive things happen. After all, we seek only happiness. And laughing is good, and I like it when someone is glad to see my smile. And 'maybe the only good thing that life has given me. And I enjoy my time to give it to others. We begin to be happy with ourselves. The world will adapt.

Salomon S Lab2 Xt Wings

Stop Laughing

not much happens ...

... Which Way Should I read this?
Who did the biggest mistake?

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Waffleblocks Black And Decker

still have it all with me because they are small and white ... Today

From a friend's facebook:

T: Hope is not the last to die. The feelings are ... What a disappointment ...
E: no sadness, from ..... otherwise the sun never comes back !.... : '(
T: When you think of the other person does not give much but get nothing when you think you are honest, but is not believed, when it climbs a mountain behind but there is another even higher ... here, it's hard not to be sad ...
E: .... do not know why ..... but it is always with the negative experiences, disappointments and musate .... that becomes larger and stronger .... ....
T: Why do I need to burn me a hand to understand that fire burns? Why can not grow up together?
E: .... because we are animals ..... and .... and learn from the experience because you often want different things .... and the roads are divided ...
T: And when you realize you want the same things ...? Then when something does not add or the premises are wrong or the conclusions. Something's wrong secure. And if they were the feelings? Think how sad ...
E: .... no one says that it is easy ... but ..... or just one of those stories that run on fb .... I read ...." I have learned that when Serbs and resentment bitterness .... happiness is somewhere else "..... may be true .....
T: wrong to keep a grudge. I spoke just a moment ago with a dear person. Who can not forgive (do not say forget) the errors made in good faith and who bears a grudge then bears a grudge against evil lives ...
E: .... then ... the "feelings ".... that remain are not all negative ... :)
T: 'that's the problem! :) I
: my baby .. then you have not tried at all .. should not be intrusive to let her know ... we know almost everything about her to let her know that you're the only one who want really good ... I hope that you will understand them or make them feel unique emotions ... but for this you have to sweat in silence but an improvement: P I know it's hard but I'll explain more in private: P
S: the real problem is that it is easy to trust ... but DARE RI-confidence takes time and work

Svegliaaaaaaa!! He will not happen ... Cmq
and yes, everyone has one with me ... because everywhere I turn I find something that reminds me of this .... enough !!!!!!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Long Does Take Lice Show Up

only chat and FB

B: How are you today?
C: shit. still pissed
B: Well, venting anger treasure
C: If someone does not knock me feel better
B: do as I did, from fists to the bed. I also gave it to the cabinet, in fact I had dislocated my hand: D
C: is my mom: D: D: D: D: D: D
B: eh your mother capipra '
C: would not let' I said
B: You should ...
C: but already knew that we had left, needless to go into details
B: when Paul had dumped me and my mother 'and I was the person who' was more 'next. Well, it depends, I would tell the
C: no, not me. for her we broke up in October and that's it. I'm not going to tell him, I'd rather see my friends
B: C
ok, but what time you sent the message yesterday?
White: boh, at 6. ah no 7
C: perhaps he had already read the blog then. fucking shit. mo see who returns idea again! invertebrate
B: ie?
C: the blog is basically a declaration of love in several places with a sandwich incazzatura written from early November onwards. he has not said anything yesterday, just in a more verbose
B: I know Christian, I assure you I know how you feel. [...] Pero 'Christian, one must be prepared especially to men of shit
C: only men of shit, do not exist for other types
B: there are gays
C: does not belong to the category
men [...]
B: however, darling, let it lose Mariano
C: No, I want to beat him, then let go
B: you see that you were not meant to be together
C: why I continue to be convinced cntrario?
B: 'cause you do not want to see the reality' and as' now
C: No, but I can see it is just an asshole who can not make a fucking decision, which goes around pretending to be a strong and does not know that then address the problems. goes around saying he did not have never liked the simplest solution, but then instead of solving a problem is with another. invertebrate shit
B: do not see it as a diversion, not 'that he' s gone with another for not solving the problem with you, maybe he just did not see a problem with you, I do not know, but you only want good and the Like another person
C: you'll see another two years will like him because we will start to have problems with this.
B: there are always problems and it 'even if you back into an normal relationship you like other people but does not mean that in the end preferiswci dfavvero
C: but I hpo that problem? peche all run away from me? why are all qualocsa better?
B: she's not 'better than you, and' just more 'suitable for him than you can be. love is sometimes not enough, and this 'truth'. and believe me never to doubt that he has loved you, because 'Christian, I was there to dry her tears
C: crocodile tears. he was in love with me, but I have never loved
B: No, wrong.
C: more of the same idea, that if one is in love, even if one loves, that love to fight, not throw it for the first sculettio
B: correct. he could say the same thing. 're like two little boys, accused of the same things you
C: I know that I was wrong in a lot of things but I am convinced that things can be resolved only need to have the balls to do so. if you're interested in something you fight for it, at all costs. is that he is not interested, it's never been interested, would not throw it all away.
B: I know, I'm in your same idea, but maybe he has reached that point at which 'was wounded too. sometimes you know you can not 'turn things around.
C: you never know anything, you just try, maybe it's just that one is afraid and does not feel like you should start a new story that is easier. There are already over, and I also know that if a loved America more, sooner or later, it is so. why I think the couples are sometimes easy to be. Just wait and impeganrsi a bit, but nothing is unsolvable if you want to try to solve
B: I do not know Christian. for the time and 'over, you have to think so

Imogen Heap - Hide and Seek

Where are we?
What the hell is going on?
The dust has only Just Begun
to form crop circles in the carpet,
sinking, feeling.
Spin me around again
and rub my eyes.
This can’t be happening
when busy streets,
a mess with people would stop
to hold their heads heavy.

Hide and seek,
trains and sewing machines.
All those years
they were here first.

Oily marks appear on walls
where pleasure moments hung before the takeover,
the sweeping insensitivity of this still life.

Hide and seek,
trains and sewing machines.
You won’t catch me around here.
Blood and tears,
they were here first.

Mmm… what you say?
Mmm, that you only meant well?
Well, of course you did!
Mmm… what you say?
Mmm, that it’s all for the best?
Of course it is!
Mmm, what you say?
Mmm, that it’s just what we need?
You decided this!
Mmm, what you say?
What did SHE say?

Ransom notes keep falling out your mouth,
mid-sweet talk, newspaper word cut-outs
speak no feeling. No, I don’t believe you,
you don’t care a bit, you don’t care a bit.
Ransom notes keep falling out your mouth,
mid-sweet talk, newspaper word cut-outs
speak no feeling. No, I don’t believe you,
you don’t care a bit, you don’t care a bit,
you don’t care a bit, you don’t care a bit,
you don’t care a bit, you do not care a bit, you do not care a bit

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Watch South Park On Touch

Relationship status: divorced

No, but we realize? "I love you but give me time." And this asshole comes up with another?!? But I take the piss out ?!?!?!
"Can I call you again at this moment I have no words to express how I feel." But you do not need words. But how do you feel? "I'm an asshole." No, you are. It's different.
But why are so ass?!?! Why I still think there is a prince, a man different from all others? They're all alike, is right Annalisa: you leave only if they already have an alternative. Otherwise, if they want to leave but do not have the balls do everything to make you leave.
confuse falling in love with love. Mariano was in love with me, but I have never loved. Falling in love is to make you do a lot of crap for one person, like come to Dublin knowing that even her party. But then love is that when problems makes you want to fight to keep a person. And he never loved me. It's no so much when I take it if I point out. It's true.
fact had never even too convinced when he said it. He said more often in English and Italian. Sounds less strong. How did I not understand it now ?!?!?!?!?!
And then ... she will always go with her as if all is well. He can not solve the problems. He runs away from problems. And the hope of him being so many problems, so you will realize that, yes, a weak, as was self-defined. It always will be, will never be able to pick up a situation (which is not call the plumber because the boiler does not) and pull out the balls to answer it (because they have not).
If you see the woodpecker.
My guess today: to be to take a drink with Nonis and company. He comes. I stand up, salute and I to go. The others ask me why. "See, he explains," I say marking it. I turned around to leave and he takes my hand to detain me. I whirled around and saddled with a right in his face that sent him to the ground. "Explain this" and I'm leaving. They look at him in search of explanations. "I left." "The sentence is not complete," said Nonis. "... To another." He gets one from another table and gave you only one? It was too good! "
Then my ideal end that he is always chasing me, but not much will happen, better end it here. According to Anna
are not bad enough. I should have been jealous, not trust, check out more. He's right, I'm really a fool. A fool with that little because both trusts. He said that I should treat it bad, do not tell him that I would have expected. Because if I'm here like a fool that he did not look back. And in fact ... I would have to be tough in the face, not to the patient. And if not, however, served to get him back, at least would serve to get him what he deserved.
Mariano said that once he came back crawling from one person. Well, we hope that the lesson is served, since it will end very first to even be able to talk to me. According to White he will want to see me when I'm in Dublin. Will crawl up to my apartment (wherever that is) and still has not said he will open. Tomorrow I will be destroyed
sadness. Tuesday I have a party. I go there and I do that the first meeting. Maybe two. Or three. I call the number at all and I will do one day. Yes, out of spite. So much so that he cares? He left me, no? Bah, does not deserve it. I, however, I deserve my respect.
And who wants a phone call that starts with "I can no longer be with you" and arrive at "now no longer safe." But the decision, or not? But you need the mother to tell you what to do every day or we pull out sti fucking balls to decide something of our lives? Ah, sorry, I forgot that you did not already ... ... ....
But you realize to whom I dedicated the ride of my life? In such an idiot ?!?!?!?! But how did I do? But how stupid ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Stupid, stupid, stupid. But you did not find enough lesson years ago? No, obviously not. I'm just dumb.
Tonight I did two times in the 180 highway. Once the 170. The Audi was vibrating. I walked around the streets in my area. The narrow road climbing up to me one day that we crash. Gasoline wasted, I know. But at least some 'relief. Tomorrow I leave on a bicycle. So at 5 I'll be awake. I will come again tachycardia. I have not learned shit out of life.
It has not even thrown the phone down. I said hello, but did not throw down. He has always done. He always told me that he can not. I waited a bit 'to see if he had the balls to do so at least this time. Nothing. I had to do it. Foolish. But as I did not understand it ?!?!?! When the other times he had the guts to close a normal conversation, how did you come to my mind that it could be the man for me? We must be just stupid.
He had the most painful phone call of his life. No, because I enjoyed? I want to draw .... But what are her best friend now? No. No. Fucking. You unravel the ste shit from you. You have made a choice, take it forward.
I will certainly want to review. But who said that I want to review it?!?! But going to fuck. I do not want to see again. Never again.
"Now you hate me to death." All apologies. I never said to hate him, but only to be pissed off. All apologies for saying "I'm not back with her because she does not want me anymore."
"Because my husband betrayed me?" "But he has not betrayed you. Sometimes men betray themselves when they run away from the woman they love. " (My big fat Greek holiday).
is not your case anyway. I have never loved. I say this just to console me a bit '. It's just another fact in favor of the theory that he's a jerk.
Asshole. He won the post of Asshole nr. 2 on my phone. Ehhhh, sorry, no. 1 has already been awarded ... ... happens. But all the assholes to me ?!?!?!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

How Risky Is The Surgery To Remove Spectacles?

I like a vague feeling of deja-vu ... Snow Pro

Summary of each story of love that the world ends:

"[...] how can I trust you if you do not keep faith even in these small things? How can I believe that you keep faith in greater things if they already you weigh? These are the worst times. Those times when I wonder what is really the truth you tell me. And in these moments I always seem to be little, too little to be so. The room is warm, yet I tremble ... I tremble and cry, because I do not know where you are, with who and what you do. And I can not I trust, I can not. [...] I feel very small, in your thoughts, and then say: "But there are in his thoughts?" And if you are in your thoughts I fear what you can do. Because if my first thought was enough to remind you that I was a person that you had to respect, now that my thought is maybe you do not respect me ... Maybe ... Maybe ... Maybe ... I do not know. I'm exhausted. [...]
[...] Even in sleep I will read our story, one that has not yet been written, that my heart is inventing, because it can not fly unless it has your side, and could stop you know that you can not, and must necessarily believe that there will be, otherwise how could I live with a heart that beats faster? [...]
[...] I think maybe yes, I often put [the trip] in front of you, but now I can not see [these pictures] to which I have to write tomorrow, because even the law only your name, even if your name is not there. But you're everywhere, and you're not here. I see you everywhere, but I can not touch you, to caress, to kiss you. You're not there. Not now. Who knows since when. I wonder if there will be.
Who knows where you are. I wonder if my thoughts are with you. But it is better not to think about this, I may start to feel bad. Although I know that these sad thoughts are waiting for me under the covers, waiting for the light to scare me off with their shadows, and I will cry, cry, until, exhausted, I fall asleep, and will not be soon. I hope to be more tired than dead, I hope to wake up again tomorrow morning. I hoped so much these days, and soon came true. I wonder if these hopes will be like the other ...
And meanwhile you'll be entertaining you, how I do not know, and I make myself smaller and smaller in your mind, getting smaller and smaller, so small that soon I will cry you will hear a goodbye just before she vanished.
I wish I had the strength to fight, but you give it to me and you takes it from me, at your leisure. Right now you are removing me, and slowly ... killing me softly ... [...]
[...] A guardian angel that would not allow anything to hurt me, because I loved because I loved him because we loved each other, because when I cuddle him and I were hiding in one, sweet, beautiful. [...]
[...] I understand your pain, why is my pain, but I do not understand your love, the love you feel and you do not want to admit that love which should make you think of me and instead makes you think of anything else. But maybe it thinks about the pain, your love think of me. Or maybe both think of me, in me collide and mingle like colors from which comes out third, I can not define, or fear that I define. Maybe hate? But love is born of hate, hate, if anything, was born love (My only love, sprung from my only hate! - My only love sprung from my only hate!). But unfortunately if you hate it, maybe even hatred by love reborn. Maybe fear? Fear of suffering and love, afraid to love because it hurts, love and pain as they occur together. Perhaps indifference? No, emotions so strong they can not leave anyone indifferent. You can be indifferent to the dentist's drill or the surgeon's knife? Despite the anesthesia (which in your case could be you) we feel that something happens to our body, we feel that something is moving, it is removed, it is repaired. [...] What in shakes violently, or even gently, but moves something, can not remain indifferent. Perhaps anger? I would say that I hate most is anger, resentment, perhaps accompanied by a slight hungry, that desire for revenge eating in and makes you hungry. But I do not see this indifference: I see quite a conscious lucidity, perhaps unconscious, but knows his stuff.
I do not know what color is out of that mixture of feelings that I address myself, but for sure no matter what the love you felt for me is still there, struggling to survive. Sometimes I can get out of the stormy waves of the emotional currents, but you stand there looking at him instead of a pull his jacket, because you're afraid of not being able to save him, and even worse, fall well you in the storm.
Do not be afraid, love is a wonderful thing ... Always! [...]
[...] We also spent hours talking, and when you had to end the conversation there was always something else to say, often leaving the next day. I also had a [whole evenings] the phone [...] and we had not said anything.
And now I think of us - the last act (the first part). We in the last period we had nothing to say, we were almost strangers, routine. Everything was wonderful once it had become normal, [the email] was like a ball and chain to keep [the eye] while doing something else not to waste time. [...] Why
we have not said anything? Because we did not want anything more to do with each other? Before, it was also important to know what one did during the day, although it was almost always the same thing every time it is told with different parts, with different tone, and seemed always something new. When you did not have anything particular to say there was always something to talk about. Possible that all the arguments they had sold out in only three [months]? [...]
[..] And 'I do not want to stop talking with you, I will always tell you everything I think, that when I start the first act of the [second] part you did not lose even one iota of what are, and what become. [...]
[...] But those who know the meaning of the snow? Too many to list. But I will tell you a couple of contrasting and complementary nonetheless. Snow symbolizes death: first, because it creates a silence fell around almost unreal. And because it covers everything, with his white coat wipes out everything you saw, and all becomes equal. To the world you knew is not the shadow. But for this snow is also rebirth: the shadow of the world you knew it creates a new, white, silent, quiet, other than they knew, yet always the same.
Maybe so, maybe our history died that day and waiting reborn. [...]
[...] The confirmation that you want me, now, as it is. If you have sex only what we did the last time we met, so I got it all wrong in four [months]. If you have more, as I think, a little 'I want. And if you want me, at least a little, 'just a comma, it does not cost anything to be my lover. It would be a natural thing. [...] You're right, it was also my fault that I now have to wait longer. But you also know that you have the power to stop this waiting when you want. I just do not want.
Why will not you? You do not want to have problems? Do not want to risk having? Life is always a risk: if you forgive me, could lead to problems, if you do not forgive me, you risk losing. [...]
[...] do not ask you to love me to madness tomorrow. I ask you to take risks. Try. To try to give me more of a pebble. You may receive in return a mountain. Or a pile of dust. We have no certainties in life. The only certainty we crearcele from us. Our love has always been one certainty was that person that there would be anything went wrong during the day we would wait for the evening [...] to speak, to console us, to listen.
ask permission to be your girlfriend, not having to ask every time "but that it should be noted at this time, but for technical reasons I can not say." I feel connected when I talk to you. I would say things I can not tell you, because you're not my boyfriend, but it's damn hard to hold the other side when you are, or at least it looks, the same as always. I just want to talk to you as I did at first, freely, without worrying about what you thought, because I knew you'd be listening without reproach. I wish I could say things without having to ask "Can I ask you something? But if you say the later you get angry ..." Tell you, that's all. Without fear that you get angry. And if you get angry, it does not matter. You have always been angry about certain things, but I've never given the feeling that I had to tell you something. Now I have it. [...]
[...] All I know is that if give me a little more, help me to give you more of my time. If we have to rebuild something we have to put one brick at a time. One each. [...]
[...] My heart is broken, and it is my fault. [...]
[...] I had dreams, dreams that now I can not realize dreams that I have not. And I fear they are again in my eyes, but I'm afraid that if you look back in my eyes do not see them. But there are, I beg you to believe that there are new, look into my eyes and look for them, maybe you'll like revising.
I know you do not love me anymore. But I can not resign, I can not. It makes no sense that I can no longer do you have in my life. I still want you in my life, I want you in my dreams, I dream with you, I want to talk to you. I want you. [...]
[...] But I do not want to give up, I will not despair, I always hope you'll come back to me. I truly hope that all this is just a bad dream, is only a moment in which you want to be alone with yourself, but then come back to me. [...]
[...] Forgive me for what I did, I tried to fix it, I could not forgive me for that too. Give me another chance. Not far from me. Come closer. [...]
[...] You're my world. And the world that I saw with you was all I needed. And I need it still. [...]
[...] There is still one of us. And if you do not see it, is because it is a bit 'hidden. But there is, and sooner or later will come out. [...] "

If man does not learn from its mistakes, the woman I learned to be stronger and more respect.
But I have not learned to give a damn ...

"The mood affects the taste, love them change."

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

How Much Do Families Spend On Quinceaneras

I can not believe it's the third time I miss the snow in Dublin. It Seems That the weather can peep into my schedule and organizes snow storms right when I'm not there. Every snow storm When I leave starts and stops just before I go back. It's such a pity, because I love snow. When it snows you always must look at the world in a different way. I don’t really like it when a low deck is laying down on the floor. Ten cars pass and it turns into mug, soils your clothes and prevents snowball battles. I prefer when a good half meter blocks every technology mankind has invented. No cars on the roads, no flights at the airport, even biking is impossible. Of course we have snowmobiles and skis which wait just that White Christmas feeling to go out and play, but at the beginning, when you wake up in the morning and nothing has been done yet on the streets, you feel like you are at the moment of the creation of the world. Everything is still, everything is waiting to live in a new way as in the old one is not possible anymore. You go out of your house like you are facing an unknown adventure.
But my favourite snowy moment is definitely when the snow is falling down. Its laying softly on every object makes a sound so close to silence that every other sound is overwhelmed by it. Every time I watch from the window the snow falling down my mind is wrapped between the flakes and twirls in the wind over the floor so it doesn’t make noise. Those flakes between me and the usual landscape makes me feel I’m in such a different place far away and the loud silence makes the world even further. In that moment, anywhere I am, I find the place I’m restlessly looking for every moment of my life. When the snow is falling my soul is finally at peace.

Ma il mio momento snowy favorite is definitely when the snow falls. Its gently lean on any object makes a sound so similar to the silence that they have overwhelmed all other sounds. Every time I watch the snow fall from the window of my mind is enveloped between the flakes and whirls in the wind without touching the ground to keep the noise down. Those flakes between me and the usual landscape make me feel like I'm in a place so different and distant roaring silence makes the world even further. At that moment, wherever I am, I find the place I'm looking frantically at every moment of my life. When the snow falls, my soul is finally at peace.