Come away with me from a friend
List of reasons why I love Mariano
making me laugh because he won
because he has never stopped me laugh because when I look
smile because smiles shyly
because it is
sweet because it is soft
because it's nice because I like to say that it is beautiful
because when I say that is beautiful blush
because when it is still uncertain because most tender
know when you need to make sure it is resolved
because it has the
decided to look for if I dress nice I eat with your eyes
because I like him because he likes me pretty
my ass because they do not give a damn if my stomach is not flat
because he likes good food
because it's been eating pasta with broccoli and anchovies
because dance with me if you can not dance because
is happy if I'm happy
because I'm happy if he's happy because
inspires me because it is the only one who inspires me to photograph
Siberia because the summer is green like her eyes and d ' Winter is as white as his skin
of Mongolia for the sky is black and starry like his hair because he was ordained as
because I like to mess up your order
because it helps me put my order in chaos because it's a good guy
organized and informed
why not look at the usual film
explains why I like movies that when I do not understand why not
want me to miss anything because you just do not let me miss anything
with him because I do not miss anything because it reminds me
because my father is my father because it would be a perfect father
because he has broad shoulders because she has three tattoos on
shoulder because I like to kiss his shoulder with tattoos
because he is making love to beautiful
because his body does not weigh on me
because when talking about sex makes him a natural in
because sex is more hippie
me because when I travel with him longer than usual hippie
because he'd come back from my trip because
it is from him that I'm back once you finished the journey
it made me want to stop because
for a restless soul like mine is important to have a strong point because it gives me peace
smile because it gives me peace because
his embrace peace
me because when I'm in his arms the world is shut out
because there is a world in his arms
because when I touch gives me the shivers because it has
Hands Frog
because he believes in me because I believe in him because he
I write every day because I think of him every day
because love is what I feel
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