Thursday, December 2, 2010

How Risky Is The Surgery To Remove Spectacles?

I like a vague feeling of deja-vu ... Snow Pro

Summary of each story of love that the world ends:

"[...] how can I trust you if you do not keep faith even in these small things? How can I believe that you keep faith in greater things if they already you weigh? These are the worst times. Those times when I wonder what is really the truth you tell me. And in these moments I always seem to be little, too little to be so. The room is warm, yet I tremble ... I tremble and cry, because I do not know where you are, with who and what you do. And I can not I trust, I can not. [...] I feel very small, in your thoughts, and then say: "But there are in his thoughts?" And if you are in your thoughts I fear what you can do. Because if my first thought was enough to remind you that I was a person that you had to respect, now that my thought is maybe you do not respect me ... Maybe ... Maybe ... Maybe ... I do not know. I'm exhausted. [...]
[...] Even in sleep I will read our story, one that has not yet been written, that my heart is inventing, because it can not fly unless it has your side, and could stop you know that you can not, and must necessarily believe that there will be, otherwise how could I live with a heart that beats faster? [...]
[...] I think maybe yes, I often put [the trip] in front of you, but now I can not see [these pictures] to which I have to write tomorrow, because even the law only your name, even if your name is not there. But you're everywhere, and you're not here. I see you everywhere, but I can not touch you, to caress, to kiss you. You're not there. Not now. Who knows since when. I wonder if there will be.
Who knows where you are. I wonder if my thoughts are with you. But it is better not to think about this, I may start to feel bad. Although I know that these sad thoughts are waiting for me under the covers, waiting for the light to scare me off with their shadows, and I will cry, cry, until, exhausted, I fall asleep, and will not be soon. I hope to be more tired than dead, I hope to wake up again tomorrow morning. I hoped so much these days, and soon came true. I wonder if these hopes will be like the other ...
And meanwhile you'll be entertaining you, how I do not know, and I make myself smaller and smaller in your mind, getting smaller and smaller, so small that soon I will cry you will hear a goodbye just before she vanished.
I wish I had the strength to fight, but you give it to me and you takes it from me, at your leisure. Right now you are removing me, and slowly ... killing me softly ... [...]
[...] A guardian angel that would not allow anything to hurt me, because I loved because I loved him because we loved each other, because when I cuddle him and I were hiding in one, sweet, beautiful. [...]
[...] I understand your pain, why is my pain, but I do not understand your love, the love you feel and you do not want to admit that love which should make you think of me and instead makes you think of anything else. But maybe it thinks about the pain, your love think of me. Or maybe both think of me, in me collide and mingle like colors from which comes out third, I can not define, or fear that I define. Maybe hate? But love is born of hate, hate, if anything, was born love (My only love, sprung from my only hate! - My only love sprung from my only hate!). But unfortunately if you hate it, maybe even hatred by love reborn. Maybe fear? Fear of suffering and love, afraid to love because it hurts, love and pain as they occur together. Perhaps indifference? No, emotions so strong they can not leave anyone indifferent. You can be indifferent to the dentist's drill or the surgeon's knife? Despite the anesthesia (which in your case could be you) we feel that something happens to our body, we feel that something is moving, it is removed, it is repaired. [...] What in shakes violently, or even gently, but moves something, can not remain indifferent. Perhaps anger? I would say that I hate most is anger, resentment, perhaps accompanied by a slight hungry, that desire for revenge eating in and makes you hungry. But I do not see this indifference: I see quite a conscious lucidity, perhaps unconscious, but knows his stuff.
I do not know what color is out of that mixture of feelings that I address myself, but for sure no matter what the love you felt for me is still there, struggling to survive. Sometimes I can get out of the stormy waves of the emotional currents, but you stand there looking at him instead of a pull his jacket, because you're afraid of not being able to save him, and even worse, fall well you in the storm.
Do not be afraid, love is a wonderful thing ... Always! [...]
[...] We also spent hours talking, and when you had to end the conversation there was always something else to say, often leaving the next day. I also had a [whole evenings] the phone [...] and we had not said anything.
And now I think of us - the last act (the first part). We in the last period we had nothing to say, we were almost strangers, routine. Everything was wonderful once it had become normal, [the email] was like a ball and chain to keep [the eye] while doing something else not to waste time. [...] Why
we have not said anything? Because we did not want anything more to do with each other? Before, it was also important to know what one did during the day, although it was almost always the same thing every time it is told with different parts, with different tone, and seemed always something new. When you did not have anything particular to say there was always something to talk about. Possible that all the arguments they had sold out in only three [months]? [...]
[..] And 'I do not want to stop talking with you, I will always tell you everything I think, that when I start the first act of the [second] part you did not lose even one iota of what are, and what become. [...]
[...] But those who know the meaning of the snow? Too many to list. But I will tell you a couple of contrasting and complementary nonetheless. Snow symbolizes death: first, because it creates a silence fell around almost unreal. And because it covers everything, with his white coat wipes out everything you saw, and all becomes equal. To the world you knew is not the shadow. But for this snow is also rebirth: the shadow of the world you knew it creates a new, white, silent, quiet, other than they knew, yet always the same.
Maybe so, maybe our history died that day and waiting reborn. [...]
[...] The confirmation that you want me, now, as it is. If you have sex only what we did the last time we met, so I got it all wrong in four [months]. If you have more, as I think, a little 'I want. And if you want me, at least a little, 'just a comma, it does not cost anything to be my lover. It would be a natural thing. [...] You're right, it was also my fault that I now have to wait longer. But you also know that you have the power to stop this waiting when you want. I just do not want.
Why will not you? You do not want to have problems? Do not want to risk having? Life is always a risk: if you forgive me, could lead to problems, if you do not forgive me, you risk losing. [...]
[...] do not ask you to love me to madness tomorrow. I ask you to take risks. Try. To try to give me more of a pebble. You may receive in return a mountain. Or a pile of dust. We have no certainties in life. The only certainty we crearcele from us. Our love has always been one certainty was that person that there would be anything went wrong during the day we would wait for the evening [...] to speak, to console us, to listen.
ask permission to be your girlfriend, not having to ask every time "but that it should be noted at this time, but for technical reasons I can not say." I feel connected when I talk to you. I would say things I can not tell you, because you're not my boyfriend, but it's damn hard to hold the other side when you are, or at least it looks, the same as always. I just want to talk to you as I did at first, freely, without worrying about what you thought, because I knew you'd be listening without reproach. I wish I could say things without having to ask "Can I ask you something? But if you say the later you get angry ..." Tell you, that's all. Without fear that you get angry. And if you get angry, it does not matter. You have always been angry about certain things, but I've never given the feeling that I had to tell you something. Now I have it. [...]
[...] All I know is that if give me a little more, help me to give you more of my time. If we have to rebuild something we have to put one brick at a time. One each. [...]
[...] My heart is broken, and it is my fault. [...]
[...] I had dreams, dreams that now I can not realize dreams that I have not. And I fear they are again in my eyes, but I'm afraid that if you look back in my eyes do not see them. But there are, I beg you to believe that there are new, look into my eyes and look for them, maybe you'll like revising.
I know you do not love me anymore. But I can not resign, I can not. It makes no sense that I can no longer do you have in my life. I still want you in my life, I want you in my dreams, I dream with you, I want to talk to you. I want you. [...]
[...] But I do not want to give up, I will not despair, I always hope you'll come back to me. I truly hope that all this is just a bad dream, is only a moment in which you want to be alone with yourself, but then come back to me. [...]
[...] Forgive me for what I did, I tried to fix it, I could not forgive me for that too. Give me another chance. Not far from me. Come closer. [...]
[...] You're my world. And the world that I saw with you was all I needed. And I need it still. [...]
[...] There is still one of us. And if you do not see it, is because it is a bit 'hidden. But there is, and sooner or later will come out. [...] "

If man does not learn from its mistakes, the woman I learned to be stronger and more respect.
But I have not learned to give a damn ...

"The mood affects the taste, love them change."


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